Global Clinic – Health Clinic for undocumented migrants

Every person has a right to health.

In Finland, undocumented people have the right to essential health care in the public health services. Children have access to all necessary health services.

Global Clinic provides undocumented people health counselling, multidisciplinary support, and assists in accessing health services.

Volunteer health care professionals work at Global Clinic.
The help is free of charge and provided in confidence.

Global Clinic operates in Helsinki and Turku.

The clinic in Helsinki is open every second Tuesday (even weeks) from 17-19.
The clinic in Turku is open every second Thursday (even weeks) from 17-19.

You can find our contact details at the bottom of the page!

What is Global Clinic?

Global Clinic is a volunteer-run clinic providing health counselling and assessment of care needs for undocumented people.

The clinic in Helsinki is staffed by volunteer nurses, midwives, doctors, dentists, psychologists, lobby staff and interpreters.
Phone interpreting is also available if needed.

We support undocumented people in accessing public health care. A Global Clinic volunteer can help with access to care, for example by booking an appointment to a health centre. Sometimes there are challenges in accessing care for undocumented people. If, despite our best efforts, an undocumented person is unable to access public health care, is afraid to go to the public health services because of their undocumented status or does not have a condition that requires essential treatment, they can be treated at the clinic. The clinic has limited treatment options, and the doctor is only occasionally present. Global Clinic offers help and support free of charge, in confidence, and anonymously if the undocumented person so wishes. Volunteers are sworn to absolute confidentiality.

It is possible to contact Global Clinic by phone and email throughout Finland.

Health care of undocumented people in Finland

Every undocumented person has the right to urgent and essential health care in Finland.

Urgent care means

  • immediate assessment and treatment required in cases of sudden illness, injury, aggravation of a long-term illness or disability, where the start of treatment cannot be delayed without aggravating the illness or disability
  • emergency oral health care, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, and psychosocial support

Essential health services means at least

  • services during pregnancy and childbirth
  • services related to the necessary treatment of long-term illnesses and other diseases 
  • health checks and vaccinations required for the protection of society in accordance with the Communicable Diseases Act

Undocumented children are entitled to the same health services as other children in Finland.
In addition, all children have the right to primary education and school health care.

An assessment of the need for care is always made by a healthcare professional.

For more information on health care for undocumented migrants, see the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

Please note! Information is subject to change.
For up-to-date information, please contact the Helsinki Clinic on +358 44 977 4547. If necessary, we will assist you in accessing health care services.

If a person is undocumented and needs treatment, help or support to maintain their health or manage their illness, they can always first contact a public health centre.

Health care for undocumented in Helsinki

Social and health services are centralised in the Kalasatama Health and Welfare Centre
Työpajankatu 14 A

  • Health appointments are available from Monday to Friday from 12.30 to 13.30, tel. +358 9 310 53914.
  • Dental appointments from Monday to Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Fridays from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., tel. +358 9 310 51400.

Maternity and child health services in Ruoholahti
Itämerenkatu 5 A

  • Maternity and child health appointments Monday to Friday 8-14, tel. 09 310 55530.

Health care for undocumented in Vantaa and Kerava Wellbeing Services County

Health care is provided regionally at the health centre where you live. You can find contact details here.

Social services for undocumented migrants in Vantaa at the Social Services Supporting Integration Unit (Social Counselling, Verso)
Vernissakatu 8 C, tel. +358 9 41917010

  • Counselling on-site Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri: 9.00-11.00, 12.00-15.00, Wed: 12.00-15.00.
  • Phone counselling Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri: 9.00-11-00, 13-00-15.00, Wed: 13.00-15.00.

Maternity and child health clinic appointments tel. +358 9 419 15100.

Information on oral health services.

Health care for undocumented in Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County (Länsi-Uusimaa)

Health care is provided regionally at the health centre where you live. You can find contact details here.

Social services for undocumented migrants in Espoo at the Immigrant Services Service Point, Pyyntitie 3.

Information on maternity and child health clinics.

Information about oral health services.